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CoinMarketCap glitch made crypto prices go haywire




CoinMarketCap glitch made the service face pricing issues. The CMC engineers recognized the problem, and the situation is now fixed.

This December 14th, 2021, CoinMarketCap was having price issues and having them going haywire.

While checking the well-known cryptocurrency price and chart website, or even their wallets, many users found that their wallet balance had been valued hundreds, thousands, or even millions of times in percentage.

But looking more seriously, you could see that it was eventually a bug – or a hack.

CoinmarketCap prices at the moment of the bug. // Source: CoinMarketCap

CoinMarketCap is investigating the issue as per the information on their Twitter account:

Many users were thrilled when they noticed the prices and warned CMC to fix the problem on Twitter and Telegram accounts.

While CoinMarketCap was trying to fix the problem, they kept posting on Twitter, goofing around, asking its users and followers how it was to be Trillionaires for a couple of hours, and of course, the reactions arrived promptly too:

CoinMarketCap glitch made the service face pricing issues. The CMC engineers recognized the problem, and the situation is now fixed.

Hack or CoinMarketCap Glitch? In no time, some were reporting that CMC was hacked

Many Twitter accounts, such @Watcher.Guru, reported that CoinMarketCap was hacked, which turned out to be false, and CMC was posting some memes implying that the information was not accurate.

In the end, was just a funny Glitch

Shortly after, a new Twitter post stated that the price issues had been resolved, followed by a “but…”.
In both tweets, CMC mentioned the service status URL of the website (, which says the updates in almost real-time about the amusing glitch in the CMC.

image 21 - Crypto DeFinance
Status of the CoinMarketCap / Source:

In the end, it seems that the hashtag #cryptotwitter raised from the dead with this funny issue, as CMC stated:

All CoinMarketCap cryptocurrency customers, users, investors, and followers accounts are safe and sound, and no hack was done in this service.

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Tokenization of Funds by J.P. Morgan: A Transformative Shift in Asset Management




The financial industry is witnessing a pivotal shift as J.P. Morgan spearheads the movement toward integrating blockchain technology through the tokenization of funds. 

Along with bringing digital assets to a new level of efficiency, accessibility, and transparency in asset management, this initiative also represents a significant advancement in the use of digital assets.

Tokenization of Funds by J.P. Morgan 

Tokenizing funds represents a revolutionary change in handling and managing assets. 

J.P. Morgan’s approach leverages blockchain technology to transform traditional assets into digital tokens, thus streamlining transactions and enhancing security. 

This approach might encourage other businesses to investigate the possibilities of blockchain technology by acting as a model for the financial industry.

Understanding the Tokenized Collateral Network (TCN)

The financial industry is witnessing a pivotal shift as J.P. Morgan spearheads the movement toward integrating blockchain technology through the tokenization of funds. 

Brief Introduction to the TCN Platform by J.P. Morgan

Enabling the transfer of ownership without affecting the underlying assets in the ledger makes financial transactions faster and more secure.

Practical Use Cases of the Tokenized Collateral Network (TCN)

The Tokenized Collateral Network (TCN) by J.P. Morgan is an innovative platform designed to convert traditional assets into digital tokens. 

The practical applications of J.P. Morgan’s Tokenized Collateral Network (TCN) illustrate the transformative potential of blockchain technology in the financial industry. 

Here are some detailed use cases that highlight the functionality and advantages of TCN:

  • First On-Chain Transaction with BlackRock: The TCN platform facilitated its initial public collateralized trade by converting shares from a money market fund into digital tokens. These tokens were used as digital collateral in an over-the-counter derivatives trade with Barclays Bank. This process demonstrates how blockchain can streamline asset transactions and ensure faster and more secure settlements​​.
  • Intraday Liquidity Access for Clients: One of the most significant benefits of TCN is the ability to enhance the liquidity management of J.P. Morgan’s clients. Customers using the platform can use tokenized collateral for secured repo transactions, which are typically safer and faster than those reliant on unsecured credit lines. This contributes significantly to a financial institution’s ability to maintain ideal liquidity positions for the majority of the trading day.
  • Automated Rebalancing of Asset Portfolios: In collaboration with technology partners like Axelar and Oasis Pro, TCN supports adjusting portfolios across multiple blockchain networks. This feature allows asset managers to execute trades and adjust portfolio allocations instinctively, based on pre-defined criteria or in response to market movements. Such automation increases the efficiency of portfolio management and reduces the operational risk associated with manual interventions.
  • Cross-Chain Functionality and Interoperability: Leveraging the interoperability protocols provided by partners like Axelar, TCN can manage assets across different blockchain systems without compromising security or efficiency. This cross-chain functionality is crucial for asset managers who operate diversified portfolios that span multiple blockchain networks, enabling seamless asset transfer and management across different ledgers.

Collaborations and Technological Partnerships

Case Study: Apollo and Provenance Blockchain

The partnership between Provenance Blockchain, Apollo, and J.P. Morgan is one prominent example of how this technology is being used.

This partnership focuses on the automated management of assets, demonstrating significant operational efficiencies and the practical benefits of blockchain in asset management​.

The Impact of Blockchain on Traditional Finance

Enhancements to Asset and Wealth Management 

Blockchain technology improves asset and wealth management through platforms such as Onyx Digital Assets.

This technology offers highly personalized, scalable solutions for managing a wide range of assets, thus transforming traditional practices in the financial sector​​.

The ongoing integration of blockchain into traditional finance suggests a future where financial transactions are more transparent, swift, and secure. 

Challenges and Future Prospects for Tokenization of Funds by J.P. Morgan

Overcoming Regulatory and Technical Challenges 

Despite the advantages, the adoption of blockchain technology faces regulatory and technical challenges. 

The future of blockchain in finance looks promising, with ongoing innovations and an increasing number of financial entities adopting this technology. 

The sector may see more sophisticated uses of blockchain, driving further efficiencies and creating new opportunities for investors.

Final Thoughts and Frequently Asked Questions on Tokenization of Funds by J.P. Morgan

J.P. Morgan’s initiative to tokenize funds is a landmark development in the financial industry. It not only enhances the management and trading of assets but also paves the way for future innovations in blockchain technology. 

This project has the potential to significantly change the financial services industry and establish new standards for how technology should be incorporated into established financial systems.


How does fund tokenization by J.P. Morgan enhance financial transactions? 

Fund tokenization improves speed, security, and efficiency by converting traditional assets into digital tokens that can be managed and transacted on blockchain platforms.

What is the Tokenized Collateral Network (TCN), and how does it work? J.P. Morgan created TCN, a blockchain-based platform that makes it possible to convert conventional assets into digital tokens for quicker and more secure transactions.

Which partnerships has J.P. Morgan formed to advance its blockchain initiatives? 

J.P. Morgan has partnered with firms like Axelar, Oasis Pro, and Provenance Blockchain to enhance the interoperability and functionality of its blockchain solutions.

What are the benefits of blockchain technology in asset and wealth management? 

Blockchain technology is revolutionizing asset and wealth management by providing increased security, increased transparency, and increased efficiency.

What challenges does blockchain technology face in the financial sector?

The main challenges include regulatory uncertainty, technical complexities, and the need for widespread adoption among traditional financial institutions.

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South Korean Crypto Policies on Political Dynamics and Voter Engagement




South Korean crypto policies have increasingly become a staple in the election manifestos of various political parties in recent years.

It indicates, besides embracing digital transformation, that the migration seeks to capture a very young electorate highly regarding creativity and visionary leadership. 

More so, the fact that South Korea is one of the leading technology giants means that they have to champion the course of crypto-friendly policies to this effect, not just to be highly fundamental but also to impact the fate of voters and their take on the national digital economy.

Crypto-Friendly Policies in South Korean Politics

To try and capture the youth vote and tech enthusiasts, South Korean political parties are increasingly advocating for crypto-friendly policies. 

The new strategy seeks to capitalize on the growing interest in blockchain technology and digital currencies worldwide as part of a larger effort to incorporate innovations into national economic frameworks.

The adaptation of these parties to the digital age has put initiatives that will ensure a friendly atmosphere that allows for the investment of cryptocurrencies and innovation at the front of these party platforms, possibly remaking the South Korean political landscape.

Overview of South Korea’s Political Landscape

The political landscape in South Korea is characterized by its dynamic and quick changes, with policy discussions frequently centered around innovation and technology.

The major political entities, including the conservative People Power Party and the more liberal Democratic Party of Korea, have historically pivoted their platforms to harness technological advancements to secure electoral advantages. 

In recent years, this focus has shifted towards cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, recognizing their potential to drive economic growth and modernization.

Major Political Parties and Their Stand on Cryptocurrencies

The People Power Party has proposed numerous initiatives to liberalize the cryptocurrency market to encourage innovation and investment. 

Their approach is to position South Korea as a global leader in blockchain technology, appealing to young entrepreneurs and tech professionals. 

Conversely, the Democratic Party of Korea emphasizes consumer protection and robust regulatory frameworks to integrate cryptocurrencies safely into the national economy, aiming to prevent market abuses and protect investors.

Historical Political Attitudes Towards Technology and Innovation

South Korean crypto policies have increasingly become a staple in the election manifestos of various political parties in recent years.

Historically, South Korean politics has demonstrated a strong inclination towards embracing technological innovation to spur economic development. This tradition continues with the adoption of crypto policies. 

Early in the 2000s, the country had pursued an aggressive stance on information technology that led it to take a leading global position in several tech sectors and set the stage for its current engagement with cryptocurrency.

In such a changing landscape, integrating crypto-friendly policies is viewed as a key development for political parties in South Korea seeking appeal among a wider voting population, most so for those inclined digitally and being progressive economically.

Challenges and Controversies Surrounding South Korean Crypto Policies

Adopting crypto-friendly policies is not without its controversies and challenges. These include regulatory issues and the broader economic implications that such policies might engender.

Regulatory Concerns and Economic Implications

The push for deregulation in the crypto sector raises significant concerns about financial stability, fraud, and market manipulation. 

The complexity of balancing innovation and consumer protection is exacerbated by the volatility of cryptocurrencies, a problem that South Korean regulators must overcome.

Economic experts caution that without stringent regulations, the integration of cryptocurrencies might lead to financial bubbles and investor losses.

Public and Political Opposition to Crypto Adoption

Not everyone on the population or political spectrum supports the rapid adoption of cryptocurrency policies. 

This argument can be supported by pointing out that it might lead to an unequal benefit distribution and exacerbate the problem of wealth inequality.

Therefore, opponents of crypto-friendly policies usually argue for holistic economic policies that do not necessarily focus on cryptocurrencies but instead include them as a secondary factor.

Future of Crypto-Friendly Policies in South Korean Politics

As South Korea continues to advance its digital economy, the trajectory of crypto-friendly policies remains a hotly debated topic. 

Political parties are eager to use these technologies for their respective electoral and economic advantages, but the road ahead is challenging and uncertain.

Expert Predictions and Potential Scenarios

Experts predict that as global trends in cryptocurrency evolve, South Korean policies will need to adapt to maintain competitiveness and security.

Potential scenarios include greater institutional involvement and possibly establishing a national digital currency to stabilize the market and ensure a controlled integration into the global financial system.

Role of International Crypto Trends on Domestic Policy Making

Global market trends and international regulatory developments are having a major impact on South Korea’s cryptocurrency policies.

As countries worldwide begin to solidify their cryptocurrency frameworks, South Korea may find itself adjusting its policies to align with international standards and practices, ensuring both competitive advantage and regulatory compliance.

Final Thoughts and Frequently Asked Questions:

The integration of crypto-friendly policies within South Korean political agendas represents a strategic move to appeal to a younger, tech-oriented electorate and influence the country’s digital economic landscape. 

While these policies promise to drive innovation and economic growth, they also present challenges, including regulatory concerns and the potential for exacerbating economic disparities. 

As the global cryptocurrency landscape evolves, South Korea’s political parties must balance innovation with regulation to maintain economic stability and competitiveness.


  1. What crypto-friendly measures are being implemented by South Korean political parties?
  • South Korean political parties are advocating for deregulation to encourage crypto investments, implementing robust regulatory frameworks for consumer protection, and integrating cryptocurrencies into national economic policies.
  1. How do these policies affect voter appeal among youth?
  • These policies specifically target the young, tech-savvy demographic that is active in cryptocurrency markets, aiming to garner their support by aligning with their economic interests and technological preferences.
  1. What are the economic implications of adopting crypto policies in South Korea?
  • While potentially boosting innovation and economic growth, these policies also pose risks such as financial instability and market volatility if not properly regulated.
  1. What challenges do political parties face with crypto policy implementation?
  • Challenges include balancing the innovation benefits against risks like fraud and market manipulation and addressing public and political concerns about the uneven benefits of such policies.
  1. How might global cryptocurrency trends impact South Korean politics?
  • Global trends may compel South Korea to adjust its policies to international standards, influencing domestic policy-making to maintain competitiveness and ensure regulatory compliance.

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US IRS Releases Draft of 2025 Digital Asset Reporting Form for US Taxpayers




The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has taken a major step forward in the evolution of taxation of digital assets by releasing a draft of the 2025 Digital Asset Reporting Form for U.S. taxpayers. This initiative is aimed at enhancing compliance and oversight in the rapidly growing digital asset market.

As cryptocurrencies and other digital assets play increasingly prominent roles in the global economy, this new form will be crucial for both taxpayers and the IRS to ensure accurate reporting and fair taxation.

Overview of the 2025 Digital Asset Reporting Form

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has taken a major step forward in the evolution of taxation of digital assets by releasing a draft of the 2025 Digital Asset Reporting Form for U.S. taxpayers.
US IRS Releases Draft of 2025 Digital Asset Reporting Form for US Taxpayers 2

Dive into the specifics of the IRS’s newly proposed 2025 Digital Asset Reporting Form, designed to streamline the reporting process for all parties involved in digital asset transactions. We will cover the motivations behind the form, its expected impact, and the key details that taxpayers need to know.

More info here:

Key Features of the New Form

The upcoming Digital Asset Reporting Form, the Form 1099-DA, is a response to the increasing integration of digital assets like cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and stablecoins into the mainstream financial ecosystem.

Set to be introduced by the IRS for use in 2025, this form represents a pivotal shift towards standardizing the reporting of digital asset transactions, aligning them more closely with traditional financial reporting mechanisms.

What will be reported on Form 1099-DA?

Form 1099-DA will provide information about the sale or dispose of digital assets. The IRS defines this as cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and stablecoins.

Form 1099-DA will report the same information that is already reported on Form 1099-B for stocks:

  • When you received the digital asset (acquisition date)
  • How much did you pay for it (cost basis)
  • When you sold or swapped it (sale or disposal date)
  • How much money you made by selling or swapping it (sales proceeds)
  • Gross proceeds (total proceeds from that exchange or broker, without taking cost basis into consideration)
  • This will apply to sales made after January 1, 2025, therefore you will receive your first 1099-DA form in January 2026.

Scope and Reporting Requirements:

Under the new regulations, brokers and other intermediaries will be required to report transactions involving digital assets using the Form 1099-DA. This form will capture essential data such as the taxpayer’s name, address, tax identification number, and the gross proceeds from the sale of digital assets.

Significantly, it will also include the adjusted basis of the assets sold, allowing for a more accurate calculation of capital gains or losses.

Standardization of Reporting:

The Form 1099-DA is designed to replace various forms previously used to report digital transactions, such as Forms 1099-B, 1099-K, and 1099-MISC.

This consolidation aims to reduce confusion and improve the accuracy of reported data. The form will facilitate the IRS’s ability to track and tax digital transactions more effectively, mirroring the compliance levels seen with traditional securities​​.

Privacy and Compliance Challenges:

The introduction of Form 1099-DA also raises questions about privacy due to the required reporting of sensitive information such as wallet addresses and blockchain transaction IDs.

Brokers will need to navigate these requirements carefully to protect client information while complying with IRS directives.

Implementation Timeline of the DA-1099 Form:

Brokers must start reporting transactions using the Form 1099-DA for sales of digital assets that occur on or after January 1, 2025. This gives financial institutions and taxpayers time to prepare for the changes, although the final regulations are yet to be issued.

The IRS is currently soliciting comments and feedback on these proposed regulations, indicating that adjustments could still be made based on stakeholder input​​.

These changes underscore the IRS’s commitment to closing the tax gap associated with digital assets by bringing transparency to this rapidly evolving sector. Both taxpayers and brokers should prepare for significant changes in how digital asset transactions are reported, with an eye towards compliance by the 2025 deadline.

Who Needs to File the DA-1099 Form?

The Form 1099-DA is specifically designed for brokers and other intermediaries who facilitate the sale and exchange of digital assets. These entities are responsible for collecting and reporting detailed information about transactions to both the IRS and the involved taxpayers.

Individuals and businesses engaging in digital asset transactions through brokers will see these transactions reported on their behalf​​.

Challenges for Taxpayers:

Taxpayers face several challenges under the new regulations, particularly in terms of compliance and record-keeping.

The requirement to disclose detailed transaction information, including potentially sensitive data like wallet addresses, could raise privacy concerns.

Furthermore, the accuracy of the reported information is crucial as it directly affects tax liability calculations​​.

Mitigating Compliance Risks:

To mitigate these risks, taxpayers should ensure they maintain thorough records of their digital asset transactions.

This includes tracking the acquisition cost, the date of each transaction, and any exchanges or transfers of assets.

Such meticulous record-keeping will be essential for accurately reporting to the IRS and resolving any discrepancies that may arise from broker-reported data​​.

Potential Penalties:

Failure to accurately report digital asset transactions can result in substantial penalties. Taxpayers relying on brokerages to report their transactions must verify that all information is complete and accurate to avoid potential legal and financial penalties.

Regular consultation with tax professionals may be advisable to stay compliant with the evolving regulatory landscape​​.

Final Thoughts and FAQ’s

The release of the IRS Form 1099-DA is a pivotal development in the taxation of digital assets. It reflects the growing recognition of digital assets in the financial system and underscores the IRS’s commitment to ensuring all taxable events are reported and taxed accordingly.

For taxpayers, the form represents both a challenge and an opportunity to align their reporting practices with these new regulatory standards.

FAQs on the 2025 Digital Asset Reporting Form

1. What digital assets qualify for reporting on the new IRS DA-1099 form?
All digital assets that are considered “digital representations of value” and can be recorded on a cryptographically secured distributed ledger qualify for reporting. This includes cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, stablecoins, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). The broad scope ensures that any digital asset used in a manner similar to traditional financial instruments is covered​​.

2. Who is required to fill out the 2025 Digital Asset Reporting Form?
Brokers and other financial intermediaries who facilitate the trading, sale, or exchange of digital assets will need to fill out and file Form 1099-DA. This requirement extends to any entity that acts as a middleman in the digital asset market, providing services that effectuate these transactions​​.

3. What are the penalties for non-compliance with the new digital asset reporting requirements?
Non-compliance can result in significant penalties, including fines and legal consequences. These penalties are intended to enforce accurate reporting and compliance with tax obligations. The IRS emphasizes the importance of accurate information reporting to reduce the tax gap related to digital asset transactions​.

4. How can taxpayers prepare for the transition to the new reporting requirements?
Taxpayers should begin by ensuring they have robust systems for record-keeping that can track purchase dates, costs, and details of every transaction involving digital assets. Engaging with tax professionals who are knowledgeable about digital assets and new IRS regulations can also help in preparing for these changes. Regular updates from IRS guidelines will be crucial as the implementation date approaches​.

5. Where can taxpayers find more information and assistance with filling out the form?
Taxpayers can find more information on the IRS website under the digital assets section. Additionally, professional tax advisors familiar with digital asset regulations can provide guidance. Educational resources and webinars are also expected to be available as the implementation date nears, aimed at helping both taxpayers and professionals understand and adapt to the new requirements.

For more specific details or further reading, you might consider checking the official IRS website( or consulting with tax professionals who specialize in digital assets.

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