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Ericsson Emerges as Network Leader, adding a 5G win with Bell Canada

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Ericsson Emerges as Network Leader, adding a 5G win with Bell Canada

Swedish network kit vendor Ericsson has celebrated two 5G deal wins today, with the latest showing it took some share from competitors Nokia and Huawei.

There isn’t enough detail other than the truth that Ericsson will be one of the 5G RAN allies for Bell Canada. This builds on their existing partnership, which introduced some 4G provision. Still, the canned quote from Niklas Heuveldop, Head of Ericsson North America, shows the vendor may have a bit more of the work in this deal.

“We are proud to have earned Bell’s trust to be selected as one of their key partners and significantly expand our existing relationship to accelerate the transformation of their network with 5G mobile and fixed wireless technology,” said Heuveldop. “With our industry-leading 5G product portfolio, Bell will be able to provide Canadian consumers, enterprises and the public sector with innovative experiences and services whether they are on the move or at home, regardless if they are in urban or rural areas.”

“Bell’s 5G strategy supports our goal to advance how Canadians connect and the world. Ericsson’s innovative 5G network products and experience on the global stage will be key to our rollout of this game-changing mobile technology across Canada,” said Mirko Bibic, President and CEO of BCE and Bell Canada.

“Investment and scale in leading-edge networks are critical to national competitiveness, economic growth and resiliency, highlighted by the important role that Bell’s wireless, fiber and broadcast networks have played in Canada’s response to COVID-19. With the support of Ericsson and our other 5G partners, Bell looks forward to ensuring Canada remains at the forefront of the next generation of mobile communications.”

Earlier today, we reported that Ericsson had scored some 5G core action with Telefónica Deutschland. Meanwhile, the Wall Street Journal seems to have decided that Ericsson is the 5G leader, thanks in part to US victimization of Huawei. So, on the whole, it has been a pretty good day for Ericsson, and we’d say the drinks are on them. Mine’s aquavit, Börje.

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Ethereum Name Service (ENS): Riding High on Recent Innovations

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Ethereum Name Service (ENS): Riding High on Recent Innovations

The Ethereum Name Service (ENS) has emerged as a standout performer among the top 100 cryptocurrencies, thanks to recent advancements and a significant price surge.

ENS Price Surge and Innovations

In the past 24 hours alone, the price of Ethereum Name Service (ENS) has surged by 17%, marking it as one of the top performers in the altcoin market. This growth is part of a broader trend that has seen ENS rise by an impressive 29% over the past week, alongside other notable cryptocurrencies like Lido.

Multichain Expansion and Product Updates

One of the key drivers behind ENS’s recent price surge is its expansion beyond the Ethereum network. Previously limited to Ethereum-based addresses (.eth), ENS now allows users to link their addresses to public keys on other blockchains such as Bitcoin and Solana. This multichain capability has significantly enhanced the utility and interoperability of ENS, attracting increased interest from investors and users alike.

Future Plans and Community Governance

Looking ahead, ENS is poised to expand further by integrating with Ethereum Layer 2 networks, a move currently under consideration through a community vote in the ENS-DAO. This strategic initiative aims to leverage Layer 2 scalability solutions to enhance transaction speed and reduce costs, thereby improving overall user experience and adoption.

Technical Analysis and Price Targets

At its current price of $26.57, ENS is trading near its annual highs, reflecting strong bullish momentum. Analysts anticipate a potential breakout above key resistance levels, particularly the $27.42 to $28.94 range. A sustained move above these levels could propel ENS towards new annual highs above $30.50, with further upside potential towards the $38.34 to $41.78 range in the medium term.

Chart Technical Outlook

Chart analysts highlight the importance of overcoming resistance levels, particularly the critical hurdle at the December 2021 high. Successful breaches of these levels could pave the way for ENS to target higher price zones, potentially reaching levels around the Golden Pocket at $54.22 and beyond.

Market Sentiment and Strategic Positioning

The recent performance of ENS underscores its appeal as a strategic bet on Ethereum’s ecosystem growth. As Ethereum explores new market opportunities, including the potential introduction of spot ETFs, ENS stands to benefit from increased adoption and investor confidence in blockchain innovations.


With its recent price surge and strategic innovations, Ethereum Name Service (ENS) continues to demonstrate its potential as a leading player in blockchain-based naming services. As it expands across multiple blockchains and enhances its technical capabilities, ENS remains well-positioned to capitalize on the evolving landscape of decentralized applications and digital asset management. Investors and enthusiasts alike are closely watching ENS as it navigates towards new milestones and broader market acceptance in the coming months.

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Blockchain in Healthcare: Germany’s Struggle to Embrace Innovation

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Blockchain in Healthcare: Germany's Struggle to Embrace Innovation

Blockchain technology holds immense promise for revolutionizing healthcare by enhancing data security, transparency, and patient control. However, despite its potential benefits, Germany lags behind in adopting blockchain solutions within its healthcare system.

Potential Benefits of Blockchain in Healthcare

Blockchain technology offers several advantages that could significantly benefit the healthcare sector:

  1. Enhanced Data Security: Blockchain provides a decentralized and tamper-proof ledger system, ensuring the security and integrity of sensitive patient data. This can prevent data breaches and unauthorized access, addressing one of the primary concerns in healthcare.
  2. Improved Transparency: The transparent nature of blockchain allows for enhanced traceability of medical records, pharmaceuticals, and supply chains. It can verify the authenticity of medications and streamline regulatory compliance.
  3. Patient Empowerment: Blockchain enables patients to have greater control over their health data. They can securely share their medical records with healthcare providers as needed, promoting personalized and efficient care delivery.
  4. Facilitating Research: Blockchain’s ability to securely store and share data can accelerate biomedical research and clinical trials. It simplifies data sharing among researchers while maintaining patient confidentiality and consent.

Current State of Blockchain Adoption in Germany

Despite the potential benefits, Germany has been slow to integrate blockchain technology into its healthcare infrastructure. Several factors contribute to this lag:

  1. Regulatory Challenges: The heavily regulated nature of the German healthcare system poses significant barriers to innovation. Startups and innovators face bureaucratic hurdles and stringent compliance requirements, discouraging them from developing and implementing blockchain solutions.
  2. Data Protection Concerns: The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union sets high standards for data protection and privacy. Blockchain’s inherent transparency and immutability can sometimes conflict with GDPR principles, such as the right to be forgotten and data minimization. Achieving compliance while harnessing blockchain’s benefits remains a challenge.
  3. Perception and Awareness: Public perception of blockchain technology, often associated with cryptocurrencies and energy consumption concerns, also impacts its acceptance in healthcare. Healthcare decision-makers may harbor skepticism due to these associations, hindering widespread adoption.

Initiatives and Challenges

Germany has seen some promising initiatives despite these challenges:

  • Pilot Projects: Initiatives like the DECADE project in cancer research and blockchain-based solutions in pharmaceutical supply chains by companies like Merck and Gerresheimer demonstrate initial steps towards blockchain integration. However, these projects remain isolated and experimental.
  • Regulatory Frameworks: The Federal Ministry of Health has shown interest in blockchain through workshops and pilot project funding. However, translating these initiatives into scalable and integrated solutions across the healthcare sector remains a formidable task.

Overcoming Challenges and Moving Forward

To overcome these challenges and unlock blockchain’s potential in healthcare, several actions are essential:

  1. Collaboration and Education: Close collaboration between technology developers, regulators, and healthcare stakeholders is crucial. Education on blockchain’s benefits and how it can align with GDPR requirements is necessary to build trust and support.
  2. Investment in Research and Development: Targeted investments in research, technology infrastructure, and data protection-friendly innovations are needed. This includes modernizing IT systems and developing interoperable solutions that integrate seamlessly with existing healthcare frameworks.
  3. Policy Support: Policymakers must create a conducive regulatory environment that balances innovation with data protection standards. Streamlining approval processes and providing incentives for blockchain adoption can spur innovation in healthcare.


Blockchain technology holds transformative potential for healthcare in Germany, offering solutions to longstanding challenges in data security, transparency, and patient empowerment. However, realizing this potential requires overcoming regulatory hurdles, addressing data protection concerns, and fostering a supportive ecosystem for innovation.

By navigating these challenges and embracing blockchain’s capabilities, Germany can position itself as a leader in developing secure, transparent, and patient-centric healthcare solutions for the future. The journey towards blockchain integration in healthcare may be complex, but the rewards in terms of improved patient outcomes and operational efficiencies make it a journey worth pursuing.

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