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The total number of cryptocurrencies in circulation doubled in 2021




The number of cryptocurrencies in circulation has more than doubled by 2021, prompting investors to be even more careful when investing in a new token and to do thorough due diligence before making an investment decision.

Since 2021 with 8,153 coins and tokens, we are finishing the year with something like 16,237 coins and tokens, and this number is constantly increasing.

According to data from CoinMarketCap, the total number of cryptocurrencies will have doubled by the end of 2021. 

Meme coins, hacks, and other schemes with no future also constitute most of the projects added to the listings.

Growth can be seen in other locations as well. CoinGecko, for example, contained information on 6,098 currencies on January 1, 2021, and by the time this article was published, on December 31, 2021, we had discovered 12,142 projects listed on the website.

These statistics show us that the number of cryptocurrencies being created is exponential. 

Many of them could be possible scams on the market, fueled by the popularization of Bitcoin and taking advantage of the lack of knowledge of newbie investors to take money from them.

The number of cryptocurrencies is vastly increasing.

Sites like CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap are just filters, listing only cryptocurrencies that meet specific standards, such as a minimum registered volume, among other evaluation points each site uses.

Therefore, thousands of additional cryptocurrencies and tokens can only be found in blockchain explorers on networks such as Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, and Solana (among others), making it impossible to track all of the projects that have been created at present.

Even though cryptocurrency critic Peter Schiff stated that numerous altcoins on the market directly impact Bitcoin and its network, which is the largest on the crypto market, it is crucial to remember that the majority of these projects have only one goal: to vanish from existence.

On the other hand, Altcoins took advantage of the attention brought to Bitcoin by using pre-mining and other fraudulent gimmicks and pseudo-decentralization to make a fortune for its developers.

With this, it would already be feasible to distinguish between Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, a point of view with which Shiff does not appear to concur.

HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu (BITCOIN) coin inspired by a backpack

Nevertheless, it is just a matter of time before the meme coin craze fades away, leaving many people unsure whether to invest in cryptocurrencies like HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu, which uses the acronym BITCOIN.

However, one other project we can talk about is the Capybara (CAPY), which has the picture of a capybara, a common animal in Brazil.

This meme currency, for example, has had its value plummet by 60 percent in the last 24 hours, highlighting exactly how risky it is to invest in these kinds of businesses.

Capybara cryptocurrency drops 60%

The number of cryptocurrencies in circulation has more than doubled by 2021, prompting investors to be even more careful when investing in a new token and to do thorough due diligence before making an investment decision.
Capybara cryptocurrency plummets almost 60% // Source: CoinMarketCap

Let’s turn everything into NFTs.

Aside from scam tokens such as the SQUID token, which we reported in our piece at the time of the hack and did not enable its investors to sell their coins, a significant number of about 16,000 altcoins listed by CoinMarketCap are derived from dogs and other unusual creatures.

There are practically all breeds of dogs available for investing at this kennel. Despite this, none of these projects has any real-world application other than entertainment. 

They were formed only to profit their creators, who own the vast majority of these tokens and are thus unknown to investors.

Aside from frauds involving worthless cryptocurrencies, Non-Fungible-Tokens (NFTs) are becoming an increasingly dangerous market for newcomers, as are play-to-earn games and other newnesses that may appear intriguing at first but should not be kept around for long.

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DIFC Financial Innovation for Digital Assets And Security La …




The Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) has taken a significant leap forward in the regulation of digital assets and securities, marking a pivotal moment in the global financial landscape. 

With the enactment of the world’s first comprehensive Digital Assets Law, DIFC Law No. 2 of 2024, and the new Law of Security, DIFC Law No. 4 of 2024, Dubai positions itself at the forefront of legal innovation in the digital age.

A Closer Look at the Dubai International Financial Centre Digital Assets Law

The DIFC’s Digital Assets Law is a groundbreaking piece of legislation that addresses the trillion-dollar digital asset class with the potential for future innovation and market opportunities. 

This law not only regulates and imposes enforcement-related sanctions but also embraces the fundamental benefits of blockchain technology and its wide array of applications. 

By providing legal certainty for investors and users of digital property, the DIFC aims to foster growth and innovation within this burgeoning sector.

A thorough examination and public consultation led to the creation of the law, which reflects a profound comprehension of the legal subtleties surrounding digital materials.

It updates existing DIFC laws, including the Contracts Law, Law of Obligations, and Trust Law, among others, to cater to specific issues about digital property. Furthermore, it introduces provisions for the use of electronic transferable records, enhancing efficiencies in cross-border digital trade.

DIFC Innovations in the Law of Security for Digital Assets

The Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) has taken a significant leap forward in the regulation of digital assets and securities, marking a pivotal moment in the global financial landscape. 

Parallel to the Digital Assets Law, the DIFC has enacted a new Law of Security, replacing the 2005 law. This legislation is modeled on the UNCITRAL Model Law on Secured Transactions, aiming to modernize the securities regime, especially concerning digital assets. 

It offers guidance on securing digital property and bringing the DIFC’s securities laws into compliance with global best practices.

The law also repeals the Financial Collateral Regulations, integrating financial collateral provisions into a new chapter of the Law of Security.

The Impact on the Financial Ecosystem

image 47 DIFC Financial Innovation for Digital Assets And Security Laws

By providing a clear and comprehensive legal framework for digital property and securities, the DIFC attracts businesses and investors seeking a regulated environment and sets a benchmark for other jurisdictions to follow. 

The DIFC’s Chief Legal Officer, Jacques Visser, emphasized the significance of these laws in providing clear legal definitions and frameworks for digital assets. 

By doing so, the DIFC addresses a critical gap in the global financial regulatory landscape, where the rapid evolution of digital property has often outpaced legal and regulatory frameworks.

Global Context and Future Directions

The DIFC’s initiative arrives at a moment when jurisdictions worldwide are grappling with the control of digital property. 

With the assistance of the DIFC and the ADGM, the UAE has vigorously regulated virtual currencies and related activities.

The establishment of the Virtual Assets Regulatory Authority (VARA) in Dubai and the issuance of virtual asset-related regulations by the DFSA and FSRA underscore the UAE’s commitment to creating a safe and robust regulatory environment for digital property.

image 48 DIFC Financial Innovation for Digital Assets And Security Laws

As digital assets keep evolving, the DIFC’s new laws serve as a model to integrate legal frameworks with technological innovation. This approach protects investors and users alike while fostering the growth of the digital asset industry. 

The legislative developments in the DIFC are evidence of Dubai’s aspiration to become a global center for technology and finance, establishing new benchmarks for the worldwide regulation of securities and digital goods.

In conclusion, the DIFC’s enactment of the Digital Law and the new Law of Security represents a significant milestone in the legal recognition and regulation of digital data. 

These laws establish Dubai as a leader in the global financial industry’s digital age adaptation while offering clarity and security for users and investors.


The DIFC’s enactment of the Digital Assets Law and the new Law of Security marks a significant step forward in the regulatory and legal environment regarding digital assets. 

By establishing clear legal definitions and frameworks, the DIFC is not only fostering growth within its financial center but additionally setting a precedent for the global financial community. 

As the digital asset market evolves, the DIFC’s proactive stance may encourage further innovation and investment in this dynamic sector.

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Tokenization of Funds by J.P. Morgan: A Transformative Shift in Asset Management




The financial industry is witnessing a pivotal shift as J.P. Morgan spearheads the movement toward integrating blockchain technology through the tokenization of funds. 

Along with bringing digital assets to a new level of efficiency, accessibility, and transparency in asset management, this initiative also represents a significant advancement in the use of digital assets.

Tokenization of Funds by J.P. Morgan 

Tokenizing funds represents a revolutionary change in handling and managing assets. 

J.P. Morgan’s approach leverages blockchain technology to transform traditional assets into digital tokens, thus streamlining transactions and enhancing security. 

This approach might encourage other businesses to investigate the possibilities of blockchain technology by acting as a model for the financial industry.

Understanding the Tokenized Collateral Network (TCN)

The financial industry is witnessing a pivotal shift as J.P. Morgan spearheads the movement toward integrating blockchain technology through the tokenization of funds. 

Brief Introduction to the TCN Platform by J.P. Morgan

Enabling the transfer of ownership without affecting the underlying assets in the ledger makes financial transactions faster and more secure.

Practical Use Cases of the Tokenized Collateral Network (TCN)

The Tokenized Collateral Network (TCN) by J.P. Morgan is an innovative platform designed to convert traditional assets into digital tokens. 

The practical applications of J.P. Morgan’s Tokenized Collateral Network (TCN) illustrate the transformative potential of blockchain technology in the financial industry. 

Here are some detailed use cases that highlight the functionality and advantages of TCN:

  • First On-Chain Transaction with BlackRock: The TCN platform facilitated its initial public collateralized trade by converting shares from a money market fund into digital tokens. These tokens were used as digital collateral in an over-the-counter derivatives trade with Barclays Bank. This process demonstrates how blockchain can streamline asset transactions and ensure faster and more secure settlements​​.
  • Intraday Liquidity Access for Clients: One of the most significant benefits of TCN is the ability to enhance the liquidity management of J.P. Morgan’s clients. Customers using the platform can use tokenized collateral for secured repo transactions, which are typically safer and faster than those reliant on unsecured credit lines. This contributes significantly to a financial institution’s ability to maintain ideal liquidity positions for the majority of the trading day.
  • Automated Rebalancing of Asset Portfolios: In collaboration with technology partners like Axelar and Oasis Pro, TCN supports adjusting portfolios across multiple blockchain networks. This feature allows asset managers to execute trades and adjust portfolio allocations instinctively, based on pre-defined criteria or in response to market movements. Such automation increases the efficiency of portfolio management and reduces the operational risk associated with manual interventions.
  • Cross-Chain Functionality and Interoperability: Leveraging the interoperability protocols provided by partners like Axelar, TCN can manage assets across different blockchain systems without compromising security or efficiency. This cross-chain functionality is crucial for asset managers who operate diversified portfolios that span multiple blockchain networks, enabling seamless asset transfer and management across different ledgers.

Collaborations and Technological Partnerships

Case Study: Apollo and Provenance Blockchain

The partnership between Provenance Blockchain, Apollo, and J.P. Morgan is one prominent example of how this technology is being used.

This partnership focuses on the automated management of assets, demonstrating significant operational efficiencies and the practical benefits of blockchain in asset management​.

The Impact of Blockchain on Traditional Finance

Enhancements to Asset and Wealth Management 

Blockchain technology improves asset and wealth management through platforms such as Onyx Digital Assets.

This technology offers highly personalized, scalable solutions for managing a wide range of assets, thus transforming traditional practices in the financial sector​​.

The ongoing integration of blockchain into traditional finance suggests a future where financial transactions are more transparent, swift, and secure. 

Challenges and Future Prospects for Tokenization of Funds by J.P. Morgan

Overcoming Regulatory and Technical Challenges 

Despite the advantages, the adoption of blockchain technology faces regulatory and technical challenges. 

The future of blockchain in finance looks promising, with ongoing innovations and an increasing number of financial entities adopting this technology. 

The sector may see more sophisticated uses of blockchain, driving further efficiencies and creating new opportunities for investors.

Final Thoughts and Frequently Asked Questions on Tokenization of Funds by J.P. Morgan

J.P. Morgan’s initiative to tokenize funds is a landmark development in the financial industry. It not only enhances the management and trading of assets but also paves the way for future innovations in blockchain technology. 

This project has the potential to significantly change the financial services industry and establish new standards for how technology should be incorporated into established financial systems.


How does fund tokenization by J.P. Morgan enhance financial transactions? 

Fund tokenization improves speed, security, and efficiency by converting traditional assets into digital tokens that can be managed and transacted on blockchain platforms.

What is the Tokenized Collateral Network (TCN), and how does it work? J.P. Morgan created TCN, a blockchain-based platform that makes it possible to convert conventional assets into digital tokens for quicker and more secure transactions.

Which partnerships has J.P. Morgan formed to advance its blockchain initiatives? 

J.P. Morgan has partnered with firms like Axelar, Oasis Pro, and Provenance Blockchain to enhance the interoperability and functionality of its blockchain solutions.

What are the benefits of blockchain technology in asset and wealth management? 

Blockchain technology is revolutionizing asset and wealth management by providing increased security, increased transparency, and increased efficiency.

What challenges does blockchain technology face in the financial sector?

The main challenges include regulatory uncertainty, technical complexities, and the need for widespread adoption among traditional financial institutions.

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South Korean Crypto Policies on Political Dynamics and Voter Engagement




South Korean crypto policies have increasingly become a staple in the election manifestos of various political parties in recent years.

It indicates, besides embracing digital transformation, that the migration seeks to capture a very young electorate highly regarding creativity and visionary leadership. 

More so, the fact that South Korea is one of the leading technology giants means that they have to champion the course of crypto-friendly policies to this effect, not just to be highly fundamental but also to impact the fate of voters and their take on the national digital economy.

Crypto-Friendly Policies in South Korean Politics

To try and capture the youth vote and tech enthusiasts, South Korean political parties are increasingly advocating for crypto-friendly policies. 

The new strategy seeks to capitalize on the growing interest in blockchain technology and digital currencies worldwide as part of a larger effort to incorporate innovations into national economic frameworks.

The adaptation of these parties to the digital age has put initiatives that will ensure a friendly atmosphere that allows for the investment of cryptocurrencies and innovation at the front of these party platforms, possibly remaking the South Korean political landscape.

Overview of South Korea’s Political Landscape

The political landscape in South Korea is characterized by its dynamic and quick changes, with policy discussions frequently centered around innovation and technology.

The major political entities, including the conservative People Power Party and the more liberal Democratic Party of Korea, have historically pivoted their platforms to harness technological advancements to secure electoral advantages. 

In recent years, this focus has shifted towards cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, recognizing their potential to drive economic growth and modernization.

Major Political Parties and Their Stand on Cryptocurrencies

The People Power Party has proposed numerous initiatives to liberalize the cryptocurrency market to encourage innovation and investment. 

Their approach is to position South Korea as a global leader in blockchain technology, appealing to young entrepreneurs and tech professionals. 

Conversely, the Democratic Party of Korea emphasizes consumer protection and robust regulatory frameworks to integrate cryptocurrencies safely into the national economy, aiming to prevent market abuses and protect investors.

Historical Political Attitudes Towards Technology and Innovation

South Korean crypto policies have increasingly become a staple in the election manifestos of various political parties in recent years.

Historically, South Korean politics has demonstrated a strong inclination towards embracing technological innovation to spur economic development. This tradition continues with the adoption of crypto policies. 

Early in the 2000s, the country had pursued an aggressive stance on information technology that led it to take a leading global position in several tech sectors and set the stage for its current engagement with cryptocurrency.

In such a changing landscape, integrating crypto-friendly policies is viewed as a key development for political parties in South Korea seeking appeal among a wider voting population, most so for those inclined digitally and being progressive economically.

Challenges and Controversies Surrounding South Korean Crypto Policies

Adopting crypto-friendly policies is not without its controversies and challenges. These include regulatory issues and the broader economic implications that such policies might engender.

Regulatory Concerns and Economic Implications

The push for deregulation in the crypto sector raises significant concerns about financial stability, fraud, and market manipulation. 

The complexity of balancing innovation and consumer protection is exacerbated by the volatility of cryptocurrencies, a problem that South Korean regulators must overcome.

Economic experts caution that without stringent regulations, the integration of cryptocurrencies might lead to financial bubbles and investor losses.

Public and Political Opposition to Crypto Adoption

Not everyone on the population or political spectrum supports the rapid adoption of cryptocurrency policies. 

This argument can be supported by pointing out that it might lead to an unequal benefit distribution and exacerbate the problem of wealth inequality.

Therefore, opponents of crypto-friendly policies usually argue for holistic economic policies that do not necessarily focus on cryptocurrencies but instead include them as a secondary factor.

Future of Crypto-Friendly Policies in South Korean Politics

As South Korea continues to advance its digital economy, the trajectory of crypto-friendly policies remains a hotly debated topic. 

Political parties are eager to use these technologies for their respective electoral and economic advantages, but the road ahead is challenging and uncertain.

Expert Predictions and Potential Scenarios

Experts predict that as global trends in cryptocurrency evolve, South Korean policies will need to adapt to maintain competitiveness and security.

Potential scenarios include greater institutional involvement and possibly establishing a national digital currency to stabilize the market and ensure a controlled integration into the global financial system.

Role of International Crypto Trends on Domestic Policy Making

Global market trends and international regulatory developments are having a major impact on South Korea’s cryptocurrency policies.

As countries worldwide begin to solidify their cryptocurrency frameworks, South Korea may find itself adjusting its policies to align with international standards and practices, ensuring both competitive advantage and regulatory compliance.

Final Thoughts and Frequently Asked Questions:

The integration of crypto-friendly policies within South Korean political agendas represents a strategic move to appeal to a younger, tech-oriented electorate and influence the country’s digital economic landscape. 

While these policies promise to drive innovation and economic growth, they also present challenges, including regulatory concerns and the potential for exacerbating economic disparities. 

As the global cryptocurrency landscape evolves, South Korea’s political parties must balance innovation with regulation to maintain economic stability and competitiveness.


  1. What crypto-friendly measures are being implemented by South Korean political parties?
  • South Korean political parties are advocating for deregulation to encourage crypto investments, implementing robust regulatory frameworks for consumer protection, and integrating cryptocurrencies into national economic policies.
  1. How do these policies affect voter appeal among youth?
  • These policies specifically target the young, tech-savvy demographic that is active in cryptocurrency markets, aiming to garner their support by aligning with their economic interests and technological preferences.
  1. What are the economic implications of adopting crypto policies in South Korea?
  • While potentially boosting innovation and economic growth, these policies also pose risks such as financial instability and market volatility if not properly regulated.
  1. What challenges do political parties face with crypto policy implementation?
  • Challenges include balancing the innovation benefits against risks like fraud and market manipulation and addressing public and political concerns about the uneven benefits of such policies.
  1. How might global cryptocurrency trends impact South Korean politics?
  • Global trends may compel South Korea to adjust its policies to international standards, influencing domestic policy-making to maintain competitiveness and ensure regulatory compliance.

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