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Press Release Announces Exclusive IEO Partnership with Koinpark for the Launch of MOZ Coin: Pioneering Real-Time Metaversal Connectivity




MOZ Coin (MOZC) just dropped its IEO on Koinpark, and is shaking the metaverse to its core! This is one of the greatest chances to join the crew building the future where online and offline worlds collide. Early adopters are welcomed!

Statements from the Dynamic Duo – Koinpark and


“Finding the right partner for our token launch wasn’t just about technology, it was about finding someone who understood our heart and soul. Koinpark became more than just a launchpad; they became collaborators, strategists, and cheerleaders. Together, we crafted a launch that not only met our goals, but exceeded them in every way, says Donald Lee”

From Koinpark 

“The first meeting with the MOZC team was electric. Their ideas crackled with energy, and their passion was infectious. We knew then that Koinpark would be more than just a platform, we would be champions for their cause. Seeing MOZC’s IEO flourish was incredibly rewarding, a acclamation to the transformative power of collaboration and tireless belief, says D.Thangapandi”

A Glimpse into MOZC

Born from the vision of the TELEBUCKS community, MOZC (Metaverse Onlife Zone Coin) emerged as a BEP20 token blazing a trail through the Binance Smart Chain. 

This pioneering project aims to bridge the chasm between the digital and physical worlds, creating a seamless Metaverse Onlife Zone (MOZ) where virtual experiences bleed into tangible realities.

Fueled by community spirit and innovative tech, MOZC empowers immersive adventures that transcend screens. 

Picture a landscape where individuals can attend digital concerts with real-world merchandise arriving at their doorstep or collaborate effortlessly with global teams—all from the comfort of one’s home. MOZC unfolds a future powered by the resilient BSC network and the collective spirit of TELEBUCKS, offering possibilities for seamless and inclusive digital experiences.

BEP20 Token Characteristics

BEP20 tokens, residing on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) blockchain, encompass a set of distinctive features that contribute to their widespread adoption across diverse applications:

  1. Interoperability: BEP20 tokens seamlessly integrate with various Binance Smart Chain applications and wallets, facilitating effortless transfer and trading. Additionally, they can be interconnected with other blockchains through cross-chain protocols, enhancing their versatility.
  2. Efficient and Cost-Effective Transactions: Leveraging the BSC’s superior transaction speeds and cost efficiency in comparison to Ethereum, BEP20 tokens emerge as an optimal choice for high-volume applications, including decentralized finance (DeFi) and gaming.
  3. Robust Security: Inheriting the security protocols of the Binance Smart Chain, BEP20 tokens rely on the Proof of Stake Authority (PoSA) consensus mechanism. This ensures a high level of trust and reliability in transactions.
  4. Versatility: BEP20 tokens offer flexibility with customizable functionalities, catering to a broad spectrum of applications, such as stablecoins pegged to real-world assets, utility tokens for ecosystem services, security tokens representing ownership, and unique non-fungible tokens (NFTs).
  5. Vibrant and Engaged Community: Supported by a sizable and active community of developers and users within the Binance Smart Chain ecosystem, BEP20 tokens benefit from extensive support and opportunities for collaboration and growth.

Crisp MOZC Details

  • Token Name: MOZ Coin 
  • Ticker: MOZC
  • Total IEO Supply: 2 Million 
  • Token Network: BEP20
  • Built on: Binance Smart Chain (BSC)
  • Smart Contract Address: 0x1611C435689fffC05E9EeE997759Fb1a80290f80

MOZ Coin’s Mission

MOZ is dedicated to simplifying instantaneous communication among diverse virtual spaces, revolutionizing online interactions. 

The Key Attributes of MOZ Coin (MOZC)

  1. Real-Time Metaversal Connectivity: MOZ Coin empowers seamless global interactions, fostering uninterrupted communication.
  2. Decentralized Operating System: With a hybrid blockchain architecture, MOZ Coin establishes a decentralized operating system, minimizing disruptions within the metaverse.
  3. BEP20 Token Standard: MOZ Coin adheres to the BEP20 standard, ensuring compatibility across multiple platforms and wallets for enhanced user accessibility.
  4. Precision in Virtual Synchronization: Setting new benchmarks for accuracy in the digital realm, MOZ Coin introduces precision in virtual synchronization.
  5. Air-Drop Rewards System: Encouraging active user participation and contributions, MOZ Coin incorporates an air-drop rewards system.
  6. Global Standard Metaverse Meta-Platform: MOZ Coin actively contributes to the development of a universally recognized metaverse meta-platform.
  7. Dynamic Revenue Distribution: A progressive revenue distribution model guarantees equitable allocation to stakeholders, nurturing collaborative growth.
  8. Community Governance: MOZ Token Holders actively participate in decision-making, establishing a decentralized and community-driven governance structure.

IEO Specifics

  • Started on: 26.12.2023 
  • Ends on: 08.01.2024

The MOZC Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) commenced on December 26, 2023, and is set to conclude on January 8, 2024.

How to Join?

  • Interested Investors and other individuals can buy MOZC by visiting Koinpark website.
  • Purchase MOZC:
  • Under the “Live” tab, users can find MOZC details.

Entire Token Allotment

Our commitment to transparency is reflected in the allocation of 2 million MOZ Coin (MOZC) tokens for a fair launch. To ensure equity, a total of 2,000,000 MOZC will be available during the MOZC IEO hosted on Koinpark. 

For comprehensive details and the complete token allocation plan, at:

Beyond Borders: Embracing the Boundless Metaverse with MOZC

At, we’re not building walls in the metaverse, we’re tearing them down. MOZC is our bridge, connecting cultures and experiences across the globe. It’s like vibrant communities, instantly accessible in real-time, anywhere, for anyone. Geographical borders become a distant memory, replaced by genuine and meaningful virtual interactions as vivid as those in the physical world.

Building a Borderless Future:

MOZC’s ambitions don’t stop at breaking down barriers. We’re also focused on:

  • Fostering Connections, Not Clashes: Imagine seamless conversations between cultures, where understanding and appreciation replace friction and division. MOZC fosters a space for mutual learning and shared experiences, enriching the human tapestry of the metaverse.
  • Decentralized Dawn: Forget top-down control. MOZC champions a user-driven future, where communities organically shape the metaverse. Unleash the collective power of creativity and innovation, building a thriving ecosystem that belongs to everyone.
  • Empowering Local Voices: No region will be left behind. MOZC facilitates culturally relevant experiences, ensuring everyone feels welcome and included in the metaversal symphony. Let a thousand voices rise, each adding their unique harmony to the digital landscape.

Koinpark’s Role as a Crypto Exchange in the MOZC IEO

Koinpark plays a multifaceted role in hosting the MOZC IEO, acting as a trusted global cryptocurrency exchange platform, facilitator, and partner for both the project and its investors. Here’s a breakdown of Koinpark’s key functions:

1. Launchpad Platform:

  • Koinpark provides the dedicated Launchpad platform where the MOZC IEO unfolds. This secure and user-friendly interface streamlines the entire process, from registration to token purchase.

2. Secure and Transparent Environment:

  • Koinpark ensures a safe and transparent environment for the IEO, adhering to KYC/AML regulations and best practices to protect participants’ funds and data.

3. Investor Reach and Liquidity:

  • Koinpark’s established user base of crypto enthusiasts and investors provides MOZC with direct access to potential backers, boosting the IEO’s visibility and potential for success.

4. Technical and Regulatory Expertise:

  • Koinpark’s team of blockchain experts and advisors guides MOZC through the technical and regulatory complexities of an IEO, ensuring a smooth and compliant launch.

5. Partnering for Success:

  • Koinpark goes beyond being just an exchange platform. They become a partner in MOZC’s success, offering ongoing support and guidance throughout the project’s lifecycle.


The culmination of the MOZ Coin (MOZC) IEO on Koinpark signifies a significant leap forward in advancing virtual connections. Fueled by the BEP20 token, it enhances the virtual realm, eradicating delays for an immersive real-time experience in the metaverse. Aligned with’s global vision, this initiative aspires to unify individuals and nurture a thriving metaverse. Seize the opportunity to shape the future of human connections by joining the MOZC IEO on Koinpark. It beckons users to engage in seamless virtual interactions, actively contribute to’s evolution, and unlock exclusive features within the virtual domain. Embrace the unfolding era of interconnected experiences!

For more inquiries and further information please contact:

Contact Person: Donald Lee


Join Mozlife Telegram Group:

About focuses on revolutionizing metaversal experiences by prioritizing real-time connections. Through our efforts, we aim to minimize delays and enhance the authenticity of virtual interactions. Our vision extends beyond a singular platform, aspiring to contribute to a globally connected metaverse where borders fade, cultures thrive, and human connections transcend limitations. 

About Koinpark: Koinpark is a global cryptocurrency exchange platform committed to addressing challenges within the crypto community. Established in 2020, the platform offers solutions for investing, trading, and promoting financial literacy, with a mission to empower individuals worldwide with secure, accessible, and user-friendly tools for engaging with cryptocurrencies.

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Introducing the Plena App: A Revolutionary Crypto Super App

Team Bitcoin Daily



We are excited to announce the launch of the Plena App, a groundbreaking crypto super app that seamlessly blends the security of self-custodial wallets with the convenience of centralized applications. Today marks a significant milestone in the world of cryptocurrency as we introduce a platform designed to revolutionize how users interact with digital assets.

What is Plena?

The Plena App is an advanced crypto super app that offers users unparalleled security through self-custodial wallets while providing the ease of use typically associated with centralized applications. With Plena, users can invest in over 100,000 cryptocurrencies, manage transactions, perform asset swaps, and bridge assets with just a single tap. This innovative platform leverages Account Abstraction technology, making it the first of its kind in the crypto space.

Key Features

– Self-Custodial Wallets: Plena ensures users have complete control over their digital assets, combining robust security with user autonomy.

– Comprehensive Investment Options: With access to over 100,000 cryptocurrencies, Plena provides diverse investment opportunities.

– Seamless Transactions: Facilitating quick and easy transactions, Plena makes managing your crypto assets straightforward and efficient.

– Asset Swaps and Bridging: The app allows for effortless asset swaps and bridging, enhancing flexibility and usability for crypto enthusiasts.

– Account Abstraction Technology: Plena’s innovative use of Account Abstraction technology sets it apart, offering a unique and superior user experience.

 Launch Details

We are proud to officially launch the Plena App today. This pioneering platform is set to transform the crypto landscape, providing users with a secure, convenient, and innovative way to manage their digital assets.

Contract Address: 0xed68931e351ee97e8f77c64181475a6e3f2bd573

Join us in this exciting new chapter of cryptocurrency innovation. Visit our website or follow us on X to stay updated with the latest developments and features of the Plena App.

For more information, visit our website or follow us on X.



Token: PLENA

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Press Release

How Bitcoin Lotteries Work and Differ from Conventional Lotteries

Crypto Chain Wire



The world of lottery just got an upgrade and it is global, secure, and powered by the future of finance: Bitcoin.

In this article, we dive into the exciting world of Bitcoin Lottery which offers a seamless and transparent experience. We will break down what Bitcoin lotteries are, how they work, and what sets them apart from your conventional lottery system.

What is a Bitcoin Lottery?

Bitcoin lotteries work like traditional lotteries but with a modern digital spin. Instead of using fiat currency, participants use cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.

Here’s how it works: you buy a lottery ticket with cryptocurrency, choose your numbers, and wait for the draw. If your numbers match the drawn numbers, you win a prize – paid out in Bitcoin or other chosen cryptocurrencies.

What Makes Bitcoin Lottery Games Stand Out?

Here are the features that make Bitcoin lottery games a top choice for players.

  • Transparency and Fairness: One of the biggest advantages of the Bitcoin lottery is the use of blockchain technology. Blockchain ensures that every transaction and draw is recorded on a decentralized ledger that’s accessible to all players. This transparency eliminates worries about rigged results as players can verify each draw independently.
  • Security: Using cryptographic algorithms, Bitcoin lottery games offer extra security. The decentralized nature of blockchain means malicious actors can’t manipulate the results of the draws.
  • Global Accessibility: Unlike traditional lotteries which are limited by geographical boundaries, crypto lotteries are accessible from anywhere in the world. As long as you have an internet connection and a digital wallet, you can play. This global reach increases the player base and potentially the prize pool.

Regular Lotteries vs. Bitcoin Lotteries: A Comparison

1. The most obvious distinction is the utilized currency. Ordinary lotteries utilize fiat currency like dollars or euros, whereas a Bitcoin lottery uses Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies.

2. Transactions in Bitcoin lotteries are faster and may have lower fees than buying traditional lottery tickets. This is so because Bitcoin transactions eliminate intermediaries like banks, therefore lowering the delays and expenses related to bank fees and currency exchanges.

3. Prizes in Bitcoin lotteries are in BTC or other cryptocurrencies which can be attractive because of the potential for value growth. Certain Bitcoin lotteries also provide quick payouts, hence improving the convenience for the winners.

4. Bitcoin lotteries usually employ “provably fair” algorithms. Unlike other lotteries, this system lets players use cryptographic techniques to confirm the fairness of the draw outcomes.

Why should one try a Bitcoin Lottery?

Apart from the thrill of maybe winning large, crypto lotteries provide several special benefits:

• Safe and open: You can verify every single draw and transaction.

• There are no geographical restrictions; play wherever on the planet.

• Cut expenses by means of lower transaction fees.

• Instant Payouts: Get your winnings easily and quickly. 

Bottom Line

With improved security, transparency, and worldwide accessibility, a Bitcoin lottery presents a fascinating and creative variation of the classic lottery.

These lotteries are a reliable choice for gamers all around as they guarantee fair and clear results by integrating blockchain technology. Regardless of your experience level, Bitcoin lottery games provide a modern way to try your luck and potentially win big.

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Press Release

Introducing Grok-1.5V: Revolutionizing Multimodal AI

Team Bitcoin Daily



We are thrilled to announce the launch of Grok-1.5V, our groundbreaking first-generation multimodal model. Grok-1.5V, the latest innovation in artificial intelligence, promises to redefine how we interact with and understand the world around us. 

Unveiling Grok-1.5V

Grok-1.5V stands out with its exceptional text processing capabilities, but it goes beyond that. This advanced model can now process a wide array of visual information, including documents, diagrams, charts, screenshots, and photographs. This enhancement allows Grok-1.5V to offer a more comprehensive understanding and interpretation of both textual and visual data.


Grok-1.5V is designed to be competitive with existing frontier multimodal models across various domains. From multi-disciplinary reasoning to understanding complex documents, scientific diagrams, and real-world photographs, Grok-1.5V excels. 

We are particularly proud of Grok’s performance in our new RealWorldQA benchmark, which measures real-world spatial understanding. In zero-shot settings, without chain-of-thought prompting, Grok-1.5V consistently outperforms its peers, showcasing its superior capability in understanding the physical world.

Launch Details

Grok-1.5V will be available soon to our early testers and existing Grok users. We are excited to bring this new level of AI understanding to our community.

Join us as we launch Grok-1.5V on BASE at 19:20 Beijing time today. Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of the future of AI.

Contract Address: 0xeeB0Ea9EcD0Ab9a7a210fA66FCf58ce4747235E6

Stay tuned for more updates and innovations from our team as we continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible with AI.

For more information, visit our website or follow us on X.



Token: x.AI

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