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Analyzing CoinGecko 2024 Q1 Crypto Industry Report




The CoinGecko 2024 Q1 Crypto Industry Report is a crucial resource for investors and enthusiasts in the cryptocurrency space.

This report provides a comprehensive overview of the market trends, performance metrics, and emerging technologies.

In this analysis, we look at the report’s key findings and discuss how they might affect the market and its players.

Our exploration covers aspects such as market performance, technological advancements, regulatory impacts, investment trends, and future predictions, offering a thorough perspective on the current and potential trajectory of the crypto industry.

Key Findings of CoinGecko 2024 Q1 Crypto Insights

CoinGecko’s 2024 Q1 Crypto Industry Report emphasizes significant growth and developments in the cryptocurrency market.

During the first quarter, the cryptocurrency market peaked, with a total market cap of $2.9 trillion in March. Significant occurrences like the US government’s approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs were to blame for this. 

However, by the end of the quarter, the market had stabilized around $2.4 trillion.

Bitcoin and Ethereum led the way, with Bitcoin reaching an all-time high of $73,098 and Ethereum significantly benefiting from its robust staking ecosystem.

Additionally, the report details a surge in interest in meme coins on the Solana network, where the top meme coins achieved substantial market valuations.

Trading volumes on centralized exchanges reached a record high since Q4 2021, totaling $4.29 trillion. Binance remained the dominant exchange, gradually regaining market share over the quarter.

The NFT market also saw significant activity, with $4.7 billion traded across the top 10 marketplaces. Magic Eden stood out by overtaking others in market share during March due to its innovative Diamond reward program and the launch of an Ethereum-based marketplace.

Moreover, the decentralized exchange (DEX) sector experienced a dynamic shift. Due to incentives and growing trader interest in alternative ecosystems, platforms on other chains, such as Arbitrum and Solana, saw a surge in activity, causing Ethereum’s share of DEX trading volume to fall below 40%.

These insights from CoinGecko’s report highlight how the cryptocurrency market is dynamic and changing quickly, offering analysts and investors useful information.

Overview of Market Performance in Coingecko 2024 Q1 Crypto Industry Insights

The first quarter of 2024 was noteworthy for the cryptocurrency market due to significant industry developments. As the report pointed out, the historical acceptance of spot Bitcoin ETFs in the US has significantly increased the total market capitalization of cryptocurrencies.

Bitcoin’s Dominance and Price Surge

Market Dominance Analyzing CoinGecko 2024 Q1 Crypto Industry Report
Analyzing CoinGecko 2024 Q1 Crypto Industry Report 4

Bitcoin continued to assert its dominance, maintaining about 55.65% of the market share. The quarter was particularly significant for Bitcoin, reaching an all-time high price of $73,115 on March 13, 2024. Expectations surrounding the Bitcoin halving event and the approval of new ETFs contributed to this surge. At the time of this analysis, Bitcoin’s price was observed at $67,810.87, showing a decrease of 17% in 48 days.

Ethereum and Altcoins

Ethereum also witnessed considerable growth, benefiting from the expansion of its staking solutions and the broader adoption of its blockchain for various applications. Its price stabilized around $3,300.55, indicating investor confidence in its technology. Altcoins like Cardano and Solana showed varied performances, reflecting ongoing developments and market sentiments.

Trading Volumes on Exchanges

The trading volume on centralized exchanges reached a new high since Q4 2021, with $4.29 trillion recorded in the first quarter. This increase represents a robust recovery and growing interest in cryptocurrency trading. Binance led the market, regaining its position with significant trading activity and new project listings.

NFT Market Insights

The NFT sector remained vibrant, with $4.7 billion in trading volumes across the top marketplaces. Magic Eden gained substantial market share due to its innovative reward programs and the launch of an Ethereum-based marketplace.

Overall, the Q1 2024 period for the crypto market was characterized by a rebound in trading activity, notable price changes, and institutional investments, pointing to a developing and more complex market environment.

Technological Advancements in Crypto

The future of cryptocurrencies is being shaped by significant technological advancements driving their rapid evolution. 

Here’s a detailed look at some of the key technological trends from the first quarter of 2024:

1. Layer 2 Solutions and Scalability Enhancements 

2024 has seen continued progress in Layer 2 solutions, which are critical for enhancing the scalability of blockchain networks. 

    Technologies like the Lightning Network are becoming more prominent, offering faster and more cost-effective transactions for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

    2. Increased Adoption of Smart Contract Capabilities

    Smart contracts remain a major focus, with Ethereum leading their deployment and utilization. These increasingly sophisticated contracts enable more complex and secure decentralized applications (DApps).

    3. Growth of Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

    DeFi has been at the forefront of the crypto technological revolution, providing decentralized financial services without the need for traditional financial intermediaries.

    4. Developments in Crypto Payments and Integration

    Thanks to the creation of more user-friendly payment platforms and big businesses’ growing acceptance of cryptocurrencies, cryptocurrency payments are becoming increasingly integrated into regular commerce. Transactions are now quicker, more secure, and less expensive, thanks to the continuous blockchain technology advances.

    5. Advances in Blockchain Interoperability

    Efforts to enhance blockchain interoperability have gained traction, with several projects working to enable different blockchain networks to communicate and share information more seamlessly. This interoperability is crucial for the widespread adoption of blockchain technology, as it allows for a more interconnected and efficient ecosystem.

    6. Environmental Sustainability in Mining

    The crypto mining sector increasingly focuses on sustainability, shifting towards using renewable energy sources and more energy-efficient mining practices. These advancements reflect a dynamic and rapidly evolving field, poised to address previous limitations and unlock new possibilities across various sectors.

    The CoinGecko 2024 Q1 Crypto Industry Report is a crucial resource for investors and enthusiasts in the cryptocurrency space.
    Source: Livecoinwatch

    Regulatory Environment and Its Impact on the Crypto Market

    The regulatory landscape for cryptocurrencies in 2024 Q1 has continued to evolve, significantly impacting market dynamics and investor sentiment. 

    Here’s an in-depth look at the regulatory changes and their effects on the cryptocurrency ecosystem:

    1. Global Regulatory Shifts

    In the first quarter of 2024, we witnessed a shift in the global regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies. Countries have increasingly recognized the need for regulation to manage the risks associated with crypto assets while fostering innovation. The approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs in the United States marked a significant regulatory milestone, providing a safer and more regulated vehicle for institutional investors to engage with Bitcoin. This move has legitimized crypto assets and sparked global interest from other regulatory bodies to explore similar approvals.

    2. Enhanced Security and Compliance Measures

    With increased regulatory scrutiny, crypto exchanges and wallet providers have ramped up their security measures. Enhanced KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) procedures have become more stringent in complying with new regulations. These measures aim to curb the misuse of digital currencies for illicit activities and increase overall market transparency. Although these regulations have imposed additional operational burdens on crypto businesses, they have also led to greater investor confidence and market stability.

    3. Impact on DeFi and Innovation

    The decentralized finance (DeFi) sector, while offering significant innovations in financial services, has faced challenges due to the unclear regulatory environment. Regulators are particularly concerned about the lack of central oversight, which poses risks to consumer protection. Various jurisdictions have started to outline specific regulations that aim to integrate DeFi operations within the broader financial system, ensuring they adhere to standards similar to those of traditional financial entities.

    4. Varied Responses Across Jurisdictions

    The regulatory response to cryptocurrencies has varied significantly across different jurisdictions. Some countries have embraced the technology, enacting crypto-friendly laws that facilitate growth and innovation. Others have taken a more cautious approach, implementing restrictive policies that have sometimes stifled local crypto markets and innovation. This disparity in regulatory attitudes has led to a fragmented global market where businesses must navigate complex laws.

    5. Future Regulatory Trends

    Looking ahead, the trend toward harmonizing global cryptocurrency regulations seems likely. This harmonization aims to reduce the risks associated with crypto transactions while supporting technological advancements. International cooperation and dialogue among regulatory bodies are expected to increase, fostering a more unified approach to crypto regulation that balances risk management with promoting innovation. 

    The regulatory environment will continue to play a crucial role in shaping the future of the cryptocurrency industry. As regulations mature and become more standardized, they are expected to provide a more stable foundation for the growth of the crypto market.

    Investment Trends and Consumer Behavior in the Crypto Market

    As a result of several factors, such as regulatory changes, market dynamics, and technological advancements, the cryptocurrency market saw notable shifts in investment trends and consumer behavior during the first quarter of 2024.

    Here’s a detailed look at these trends:

    Institutional Crypto Investments:

    The period saw a substantial increase in institutional investments in cryptocurrencies. This rise is attributed to greater regulatory clarity and the launch of new financial products, such as Bitcoin ETFs, which have made crypto investments more accessible to institutional investors. These entities are actively participating more, increasing overall market liquidity and stability. This shift underscores a growing recognition of cryptocurrencies as a legitimate asset class within traditional investment portfolios.

    Retail Investors’ Sentiment

    Retail investor sentiment has also evolved with increased education and awareness about the crypto market. The market recovery and stabilization in Q1 2024 helped restore confidence among retail investors, leading to increased participation. Moreover, the proliferation of user-friendly crypto trading platforms has empowered more individuals to engage with the market, boosting retail investment volumes.

    Diversification of Crypto Assets

    There has been a noticeable trend towards diversification within cryptocurrency investments. Investors no longer focus solely on major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum but are also exploring other altcoins and tokens. This diversification drives the desire to spread risk across various assets and pursue higher returns. Introducing thematic and sector-specific tokens has further facilitated this trend, allowing investors to tailor their crypto portfolios strategically.

    Consumer Adoption of Cryptocurrency Payments

    The adoption of cryptocurrency for everyday transactions has seen gradual growth. Thanks to advancements in payment technologies and infrastructure, many merchants and businesses are now accepting cryptocurrency payments. With the help of integrated payment solutions and mobile apps that serve a global user base, the ease of completing cryptocurrency transactions has greatly increased.

    Impact of Macro-Economic Factors

    Macroeconomic factors, including inflation rates and geopolitical tensions, have continued influencing crypto markets. In times of economic uncertainty, cryptocurrencies have increasingly been considered alternative investments. Since cryptocurrencies are decentralized, they safeguard against possible market disruptions by conventional economic factors, supporting this perception.

    These trends from the first quarter of 2024 reflect a maturing market increasingly integrated with the broader financial landscape. As the market evolves, these trends are expected to deepen, with potential long-term implications for the global economic system.

    Predictions and Future Outlook for the Crypto Market

    digital report analysis on market trends Analyzing CoinGecko 2024 Q1 Crypto Industry Report
    Analyzing CoinGecko 2024 Q1 Crypto Industry Report 5

    Based on the trends and developments observed in the first quarter of 2024, as detailed in the CoinGecko 2024 Q1 Crypto Industry Report, several predictions and future outlooks can be delineated for the cryptocurrency market. 

    These insights provide a perspective on what could be expected in the upcoming quarters and beyond.

    Continued Institutional Engagement

    Institutional engagement is predicted to continue its upward trajectory. With regulatory environments stabilizing and becoming more crypto-friendly, many financial institutions are expected to enter the crypto market. 

    As a result, the market will become more stable, and more advanced cryptocurrency financial products may be developed.

    Growth in Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

    The DeFi sector is expected to maintain its growth momentum. Innovations in blockchain technology and smart contract applications will likely drive further adoption of DeFi services. 

    This sector could see an expansion in services and products that mimic traditional financial offerings but with the added benefits of decentralization, such as improved access and reduced costs.

    Technological Innovations and Blockchain Integration

    Advancements in blockchain technology are anticipated to continue at a rapid pace. These innovations may further enhance scalability and interoperability between different blockchain platforms. 

    Such developments could facilitate a wider adoption of blockchain technology in sectors beyond finance, including healthcare, supply chain management, and governance.

    Rise of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

    The NFT market is anticipated to change substantially, expanding beyond collectibles and art to digital identity, real estate, and intellectual property. 

    Technological developments that enhance the functionality and integration of NFTs into routine online activities will probably facilitate this evolution.

    Regulatory Developments

    Regulatory clarity is anticipated to improve, which could lead to a more standardized approach to crypto regulation globally. 

    Retail and institutional investors should expect a safer investment environment because of this, which will lessen the current market fragmentation.

    Consumer Adoption and Mainstream Acceptance

    Consumer adoption is expected to increase as cryptocurrencies are integrated into payment systems and financial services. 

    The continuous advancements in security protocols and user interfaces may reinforce this, solidifying cryptocurrencies’ position as a crucial component of digital finance.

    Geopolitical Influences

    The global financial landscape will continue to impact the cryptocurrency market due to economic policies and geopolitical tensions. Cryptocurrencies may increasingly be considered alternative assets during fiat currency devaluation or economic instability.

    These predictions suggest a dynamic and evolving crypto market with numerous opportunities for investors and consumers. As always, the pace and nature of these developments will depend on a complex interplay of technological, regulatory, and market factors.

    Conclusion and Summary of the 2024 Q1 Crypto Industry Report by CoinGecko

    According to CoinGecko’s in-depth analysis, the first quarter of 2024 was characterized by significant advancements and ongoing expansion in several cryptocurrency market categories. 

    Here’s a summary of the key points and insights drawn from the analysis:

    Institutional Adoption: Thanks to the introduction of cutting-edge financial products like Bitcoin ETFs and increased regulatory clarity, the crypto market has witnessed increased institutional engagement. This trend is anticipated to continue, giving the market greater stability and maturity.

    Technological Advancements: Technological progress in blockchain technology, including Layer 2 solutions and smart contracts, drives the market forward. Along with improving transaction efficiency and capabilities, these advancements are expanding blockchain’s use cases into new industries.

    Decentralized Finance (DeFi): DeFi continues to be a major growth area within the crypto space, with an expanding range of services that offer decentralized alternatives to traditional financial systems. The more accessible and user-friendly this industry becomes, the more users it is expected to draw in.

    NFTs: Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are evolving past their initial use in arts and collectibles, venturing into areas like intellectual property and digital identity. Technological developments that provide NFTs with additional functionality are supporting this shift.

    Regulatory Landscape: The regulatory environment for cryptocurrencies is improving, which is expected to foster a safer and more robust investment climate. A more harmonized global regulatory framework could emerge, reducing market fragmentation and enhancing investor protection.

    Consumer Adoption: As cryptocurrencies gain integration into payment systems and financial services, mainstream consumer adoption is expected to rise. Digital currencies will become essential to the larger economic landscape due to continuous advancements in user interfaces and security measures.

    Global Economic Conditions: Geopolitical unrest and macroeconomic policies impact the worldwide economy and cryptocurrencies. They are becoming increasingly valued as alternative assets in unstable economic times.

    The insights from CoinGecko’s 2024 Q1 report underscore a dynamic and maturing market with promising prospects for the future. 

    Stakeholders, from investors to everyday users, will benefit from staying informed and adaptive to these evolving trends.

    Read the full Coingecko report here:

    Full report here.

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    Ethora: The Degen Binary Options Trading Platform powered by AI, on Base Network




    Ethora, the world’s most degen Binary Options platform powered by AI, is gearing up for its much-anticipated Initial DEX Offering (IDO). This revolutionary platform, designed by three DeFi enthusiasts and options trading experts, is set to transform options trading by offering ultra-short expiry Binary Options. From July 23 to July 29, Ethora’s IDO will take place across multiple prestigious launchpads:

    • Kommunitas
    • SuiPad
    • Spores
    • TrustFi
    • Huostarter
    • BscLaunch
    • WeLabs
    • KDG
    • Pixelrealm
    • Zenix Launchpad

    Exciting News: Ethora Token ($ETR) Listing on MEXC Exchange

    Mark your calendars for July 31 at 9 AM UTC! The Ethora token ($ETR) will be listed on the MEXC exchange, offering traders and investors a chance to engage with this pioneering platform.

    Ethora: For Degens, By Degens

    Ethora allows users to predict the movement of BTC and other asset prices in ultra-short time frames—up to 3 minutes—with instant payout and gratification. This innovative approach has already demonstrated remarkable achievements:

    • $20M volume in the first month of testnet
    • $2M fees collected by the platform
    • 15K community members
    • 25K Galxe participants

    Key Product Advantages

    1. No Liquidation: Ethora offers a clearly defined risk-reward ratio, ensuring traders are free from the risk of liquidation.
    2. Quick Binary Options: Predict the price movement of BTC or other assets, whether Up or Down, in just 3 minutes, with instant payout.

    Why Ethora?

    • Intuitive and Swift User Experience: Seamlessly designed for quick and efficient trading.
    • Short Expiry Binary Options: Trade with expiry times as short as 3 minutes.
    • One-Click, Gasless, Instant Trading: Experience trading without the hassle of gas fees.
    • Diverse Market Access: Wide range of assets available for trading.
    • Market Making Vaults: Earn up to 90% real yield through market-making vaults.
    • Powered by AI: Sophisticated algorithms in Ethora can empower binary options traders to trade 10 times better

    AI and Machine Learning in Ethora

    Automated trading has revolutionized the financial industry, offering unprecedented speed, efficiency, and accuracy. By leveraging advanced mathematical models and machine learning capabilities, Ethora trading algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data, identify patterns, execute orders, and manage risk—all at speeds unattainable by human traders.

    Future Plans

    Ethora is not just stopping with its current offerings. Here are some exciting future plans:

    • Integration with New Chains: Ethora will expand to new chains such as Berachain, Monad, and MegaETH, enhancing its reach and capabilities.
    • Listing of New Trading Pairs: Ethora will continuously add new trading pairs for trending coins to keep up with market demands.
    • New Product Features:
      • Between Range: A feature allowing users to predict if an asset’s price will stay within a certain range.
      • Copy Trading: A feature enabling users to replicate the trades of successful traders.
      • Chat Room: A social feature where traders can discuss strategies and market trends.
    • Deployment of Dapp Chain on Altlayer: Ethora will deploy its Dapp chain on Altlayer, using $ETR as the gas fee, enhancing scalability and efficiency.

    About Ethora

    Ethora ($ETR) is the world’s most degen AI Binary Options platform, powered by the Base network. Founded by three DeFi degens and options trading experts with backgrounds in various centralized exchanges and trading companies, Ethora provides a groundbreaking trading experience with its ultra-short expiry Binary Options and innovative features, powered by AI and machine learning.

    For more information, visit Ethora’s website and follow us on Twitter and Discord for the latest updates.




    Ethora’s IDO and token listing present a unique opportunity for traders and investors to join the most degen Binary Options platform in the market. Don’t miss out on this chance to be part of the future of options trading!

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    $PRICK is the new PEPE: get a 75% token bonus ahead of the listing on OKX

    Crypto Chain Wire



    $PRICK on Solana already has a community of 1 million users, an NFT collection with a 75% cashback for holders, and a Telegram game with a 200 SOL monthly prize pool. With several major CEX listings coming starting from July 22, $PRICK is ready for a fast expansion.

    The incredible rise of $PRICK: from a meme to an ecosystem with NFTs and a clicker game

    $PRICK stands for Pickle Rick, and it’s one of the most talked about memecoin ecosystems on Solana. What started as a fun meme quickly became an ambitious project boosted by its passionate community of almost 1 million users, including 240 thousand on X (Twitter) and 740 thousand on Telegram. 

    So successful is $PRICK that at least three major exchanges have already agreed or tentatively agreed to list it, including OKX, BingX, Bybit, and BitGet.

    What is it about $PRICK that makes users pick it over hundreds of other memecoins on Solana? There are multiple factors, including fair token distribution; very good price performance; a game with large prizes in SOL and $PRICK; and NFTs that make holders eligible for a raffle and a 75% cashback.

    Robust and fair tokenomics

    • The team has burned all the initial LP tokens, then renounced contract ownership;
    • 10% of the circulating supply was purchased in the open market and locked to finance CEX listings, community airdrop, and token burns;
    • There is no tax on buying, selling, or sending $PRICK;
    • The rest of the 1 billion $PRICK supply is released smoothly at the rate of 1% a month. 

    Positive price dynamics and potential

    Since its DEX launch at the end of May, $PRICK has never gone below the initial listing price – something that very few Solana memecoins can boast of. At the same time, the price currently sits 70% below the ATH, creating an interesting opportunity for buyers ahead of the scheduled listings on OKS, Bybit, and BingX. 

    Telegram clicker game

    $PRICK is one of the first memecoins to launch its own Telegram clicker game, inspired by the success of Hamster Kombat and Notcoin. As players earn points and complete tasks, they climb the leaderboard and compete for a share of the monthly 200 SOL prize pool and large bonuses in $PRICK. 

    Mint one of the 101 NFTs to get 75% back in $PRICK and a ticket for the 1,000 SOL raffle

    Pickle Rick’s exclusive NFT collection was launched on July 15 and features only 101 NFTs, each with a unique hand-drawn design of the title character, Pickle Rick. The main advantage of holding a Pickle Rick NFT is a massive 75% cashback in $PRICK that each holder will receive once the token is listed on OKX or Bybit on July 22. 

     Moreover, upon the listing on Bybit, the project will hold a raffle for all its NFT holders with a prize pool of 1,000 SOL. 

    The cashback is calculated as 75% of the mint price of 12 SOL, translated into $PRICK at the exchange rate on July 22 (the listing day). As of the time of writing, part of the collection is still available to mint, but users should act quickly so as not to miss this opportunity. 

    OKX and other major CEX listings coming soon – and where to buy $PRICK right now

    The team of $PRICK has successfully negotiated with several large crypto exchanges to list the token. The series of listings is scheduled to start on July 22 with OKX, followed by $PRICK launch on BingX, Bybit, and BitGet. 

    The news of each new listing can cause a significant surge of the $PRICK price. Ahead of the listings on these major platforms, users can already buy $PRICK on the following exchanges:

    Raydium (Solana): $PRICK/SOL, contract address 6zoshtkmyX4kRFg3p152yV2bPssxeYdNvW3c6EVCE4UP


    In less than two months, Pickle Rick ($PRICK) has built one of the most active meme ecosystems on Solana, with hundreds of thousands of loyal followers, a generous system of incentives, NFTs, and even a game. This is just the beginning, however, as the team promises even more bullish news in the coming weeks. 

    Follow $PRICK on social media

    Official website

    X (Twitter)



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    4 Low-Cap Meme Coins to Watch for 2024

    Team Bitcoin Daily



    Traditionally, meme coin season follows a surge in Bitcoin (BTC) prices, followed by Ethereum (ETH) and large-cap altcoins like Solana (SOL) and Avalanche (AVAX). This year, meme coins are garnering more attention than ever. Leading the pack are Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB), along with newer contenders like Bonk Inu (BONK), Wifi Coin (WIF), and Pepe Coin (PEPE). With potential factors like interest rate cuts and the US presidential election in the latter half of the year, Bitcoin and Ethereum could see significant gains, possibly ushering in a new meme coin season. Early investments in undervalued meme coins could yield substantial profits. Here are five promising low-cap meme coins to watch:

    1. Dogecoin20 (DOGE20): The Cleaner, Greener Doge

    • Following a successful presale, Dogecoin20 (DOGE20) has surged 50% since launch and listed on decentralized exchanges (DEXs) earlier than expected. Built on the Ethereum blockchain (ERC-20), DOGE20 offers faster transaction speeds, lower fees, and an energy-efficient Proof-of-Stake (PoS) mechanism. DOGE20 also integrates staking rewards, encouraging long-term investment. With Bitcoin’s halving expected to limit supply and increase demand, and Doge Day adding cultural significance, DOGE20 is well-positioned for potential gains. As of July 9, 2024, It’s market cap stands at $2.2 million

    2. KittyInu (KITTY):

    • Blockchain: Ethereum
    • Features: KittyInu is a meme coin with a cute cat theme, enjoying strong community support. The project engages in charitable activities, building a positive image, and expands its user base through various marketing campaigns. Recent upward trends have attracted more investor interest.
    • Potential: KittyInu’s focus on charity and marketing, combined with strong community backing, positions it for significant growth. As of July 9, 2024, It’s market cap stands at $1.9 million

    3. Slothana (SLOTH): A Sleepy Success Story on Solana

    • Launched in April 2024, Slothana ($SLOTH) quickly gained attention in the Solana meme coin market. Utilizing Solana’s fast transaction speeds and low fees, Slothana has attracted developers and investors. The limited presale window, ending on April 29th, and endorsements from notable crypto figures like ClayBro have further fueled interest. As of July 9, 2024, Slothana’s market cap stands at $13 million, highlighting its growth potential.

    4. Pigcoin (PIG): Leading Meme Coin on Polygon

    • Pigcoin (PIG) is the leading meme coin on the Polygon chain, boasting over 500,000 holders and ranking first on the chain by holder count. Launched in December last year, Pigcoin is listed on Mexc and, with plans for additional listings. With a total supply of 3 trillion coins and 96% currently in circulation, Pigcoin’s market cap is only $4 million, indicating its undervaluation and potential for up to 100x gains. Pigcoin’s strong community and active listing efforts enhance its growth prospects.

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